Eagle Owl Study
A Celebration of Nature
Painting the Eagle Owl Study was a challenge I didn’t want to ignore. Possibly it is the eyes, or maybe the size of the bird. Also known as the Eurasian Eagle Owl, it is one of the largest owls in the world. Eagle Owl Study is one of many oil paintings of eagle owls I have attempted over the years.
To keep this canvas simple in its format, I wanted the focus to be wholly on the eagle owl. I attached great importance to the face and eyes, deliberately understating the colour and detail, both in the body plumage and the branch. The oil painting is 14 x 18 inches and is on linen canvas, which is my preferred substrate.
Eagle Owls
The range of the European Eagle Owl is quite extensive and, like most owls, it is a nocturnal hunter. It feeds on a large variety of available prey but, more often than not, rats and voles. Eagle Owls have a lifespan of up to twenty years in their natural habitat. Because of their size they have few natural predators and are quite hardy birds. This is important in order for them to cope with both the cold Northern latitudes and the southern Mediterranean temperatures.
The Eagle Owl (bubo bubo) is sometimes called the Horned Owl. mainly because of its prominent ear tufts. Like many other species of owls the body plumage varies in colour from reddish brown to grey depending on the geography.
For me, it was a pleasure to paint such a majestic and imposing bird. I hope you agree I have done it justice.
Thank you
Thank you all for the kind comments that have been written on the social media sites such as Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram et al. Please keep them coming. As always, keep checking the website as I will be displaying more bird and wildlife oils in forthcoming posts.
Finally, thank you again for visiting my website and for the many supportive comments.
I hope to see you again soon
Kind regards