Blue Shutters-Distinctive Floral Art
The challenge with this oil painting was to take a simple centre piece of geraniums and put it together as a pleasing artistic expose. The painting title ‘Blue Shutters-Distinctive Floral Art’ was chosen because I wanted to show something that was less typical of some of the other floral canvasses I have painted. I also liked the challenge of a deceptively modest arrangement.
For me, painting is always exacting and a unique challenge. Subsequently, I get all the more satisfaction when it works. With ‘Blue Shutters’ the purple bougainvillea was tricky. It was not only losing my place among the bracts. It was also using the bougainvillea to frame the painting and set the shutters back enough. I felt if the blue shutters were too noticeable, the artwork would lose unity. With Blue Shutters-Distinctive Floral Art, I feel that your eye always returns eventually to the geraniums in the pot.
‘Blue Shutters-Distinctive Floral Art’ is a 16 x 12 inch canvas and at the moment sits in my home. I will part with ‘Blue Shutters’ one day but I am becoming increasingly fond of the artwork that forty years of hard work, study and application have produced. It would be a wrench to say goodbye. I always like to know that my paintings go to a good home! Fortunately, the collectors of my oil paintings have constantly proved to be lovely and generous people.
Keep checking the website as I will be displaying more floral oils in forthcoming posts, including the painting ‘Pots of Flowers’. I also have two new river landscape canvasses that I will be showing in the Landscape Gallery in the near future.
Thank you again for visiting my website and for reading this post.
I hope to see you again soon
Kind regards